Home / Paid Sick Leave


Wind of the Spirit has been supporting, educating and promoting Paid Sick Leave, Paid Family Leave, among other employment rights granted by law, such as: Unemployment Insurance, etc., among our immigrant community and with the help of our partners in the NJ Time to Care Coalition.

Although New Jersey is a leader in paid leave with a statewide law of Paid Sick Leave and a program of Paid Family Leave Recently expanded, the immigrant community is unaware of these benefits and the importance of time to care for themselves, and to care for the health of their family members when necessary.

The New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 1827, introduced by Assemblywoman Lampitt, and the Senate Bill No. 2171, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, also known as Paid Sick and Safe Days, were signed into law by Governor Murphy on May 2, 2018. The law gives New Jersey workers the right to job-protected paid time off when they need time to attend to their own health needs, and those of their family members. (Source: NJ Time to Care).

Some actions WotS takes in support of this legislation:

    • Community forums.
    • Workshops.
    • Information table.
    • Service fair.


Learn what benefits and laws may be available to you and your community, and we encourage you to take time off to care for the health, safety and well-being of you and your loved ones. If you are interested in more information, please email us at office@wotsnj.org and download the information provided below by our partners at



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