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DED and registry to help undocumented immigrants in the U.S.

The immigration campaigns that Wind of the Spirit, Immigrant Resource Center, is promoting hope to move forward under President Biden's administration. If achieved, they would bring more than 11 million undocumented immigrants out of the

The immigration campaigns that Wind of the Spirit, Immigrant Resource Center, is promoting hope to move forward under President Biden’s administration. If achieved, they would bring more than 11 million undocumented immigrants out of the shadows, including some 250,000 Colombians, which would facilitate their residency in the United States. Diana Mejía, co-founder of the organization explained what these campaigns are about and called on the families of Colombian immigrants in Quindío and throughout Colombia to join with their relatives abroad to promote the DED and the Registration Law.


DED is an immigration relief which was requested by the current Colombian administration to the U.S. government. Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) is a rare humanitarian provision in U.S. immigration law that grants a work permit giving people the opportunity to come out of the shadows and work legally. Currently the only regions in the world that have DED are Liberia, Hong Kong and Venezuela.


The Registration Act is a path to citizenship. This is a 1929 law and currently requires the U.S. Congress to update the U.S. entry deadline from 1972 to at least 2015. That is, the proposal would cover immigrants who arrived in the United States prior to 2015 and would have a “Registration” date update component; if passed this would allow approximately 8 million undocumented immigrants to obtain permanent residency and subsequently citizenship.

The two proposals are different, but seek to improve conditions for immigrants in the United States, one on a temporary basis that includes recent immigrants (DED) and the other on a permanent basis (Registration). The invitation is for the same people who would benefit to join forces to ensure that before the end of this government, one or both campaigns can be carried out. More information at: Instagram: wotsnj, Threads: @ WindofSpiritNJ, Facebook: Wind of the Spirit – WotS and Website: https://wotsnj.org/ or by phone +1201 563 106


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