El Acta de Valores (A1986/ S512)

The Values Act (S512/A1986) is a comprehensive protection that is critical to empowering the people of New Jersey, so that they can live without fear and dread of family separation, immigration detention and/or deportation. The bill is essential to support families, as well as to ensure the rights and dignity of the immigrant population.

Key points

  • To be a fair and welcoming state, New Jersey must be for everyone, regardless of immigration status.


  • New Jersey needs to end its complicity with the federal detention and deportation machine


  • The Values Act ensures that communities can access the support they need to prevent costly emergencies and crises that are more costly to the state.


  • Securities Act can protect New Jersey immigrants so they can seek support from local government agencies without fear of deportation
  • No one should fear that using public resources or defending their rights will result in being separated from their loved ones and their home.


  • The prison-to-deportation process is racist and xenophobic, as is the federal detention machinery.


  • The bill strengthens privacy protections in order to encourage New Jersey immigrants to use public services, advocate for their rights, and participate in their communities without fear of deportation.


  • Immigrant privacy must be a priority for New Jersey legislation

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