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Wind of the Spirit seeks to promote leadership, independence of individuals and contributes to educational equity through the English language learning program. The WotS ESL program is a benefit for those who are formally affiliated with the organization. We offer an environment of responsibility in the learning process for the formation of global citizens, who understand the importance of communicating in the English language and seek ways to contribute civically in the United States.

Details about the classes:

  • The WotS ESL program has between 10 to 12 levels.
  • Classes focus on Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing exercises.
  • 3-hour classes every Saturday.
  • Written and oral examinations are conducted.
  • Books for the classes cost $49 per 2 levels and include: WorkBook + Student Text Book + Ebook.
  • Attendance is very important, only a maximum of 3 absences is allowed. If you are absent from class you must present a justified reason.
  • If the student withdraws from the program without a justified cause, he/she must assume 50% of the tuition fee.
  • Certificate delivery by authorized school.

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