The fight for a $15 an hour minimum wage
The Fight for $15 is a global movement that sought to raise wages for low-wage workers in early 2012, when 200 fast food restaurant workers in New York City walked off their jobs to demand

The Fight for $15 is a global movement that sought to raise wages for low-wage workers in early 2012, when 200 fast food restaurant workers in New York City walked off their jobs to demand $15 an hour and union rights.
Today, the movement is present in more than 300 cities on six continents and includes fast food restaurant workers, home health care aides, child care teachers, airport workers, adjunct professors, retail employees, and low-paid workers everywhere.
Locally, Wind of the Spirit fought for and won a $15 minimum wage increase that was phased in over 5 years. The next phase of this ongoing battle will be to ensure that this hard-won increase is extended to tipped workers, agricultural workers and others in informal sectors such as domestic workers.
While large corporations continue to reap the benefits of their workers’ productivity, those benefits are not distributed equitably, leaving workers struggling to survive. Workers cannot support themselves and their families on minimum wage, so The Fight for $15 continues to organize and call for wage increases for workers across the country and around the world.